Siaran Langsung Istiadat Kemahkotaan DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Johor Pada 23 Mac 2015

Isnin, 23 Mac 2015

(Video) - Rangkuman Berita Istiadat Kemahkotaan DYMM Sultan Ibrahim - 23 Mac 2015

Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar hari ini dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor moden pada satu istiadat gilang gemilang di Istana Besar, pagi ini.

Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah turut dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan isteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor serta timbalanya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan isteri Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman turut hadir.

Istiadat dimulakan kira-kira pukul 10 pagi dengan keberangkatan masuk Sultan Ibrahim dan Raja Zarith Sofiah ke Bilik Singgahsana diikuti Lagu Bangsa Johor.

Kira-kira 40 ribu rakyat teruja menyaksikan perarakan diraja yang menyamai perarakan berkenderaan semasa istiadat kemahkotaan Almarhum Sultan Ismail pada 1960. Orang ramai mula membanjiri di hadapan pintu masuk Istana Besar seawal 7 pagi untuk menyaksikan upacara bersejarah itu.

Sempena istiadat Kemahkotaan baginda, Sultan Ibrahim berkenan memberi pengampunan kepada 10 banduan yang menjalani hukuman mati atas pelbagai kesalahan.

Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Ismail Karim berkata... baginda juga berkenan memberi pengampunan dan pembebasan seorang banduan yang merupakan pesalah juvenil pada 2004 ketika disabitkan kesalahan membunuh selepas menghadap baginda di Istana Bukit Serene, Khamis lalu.

Keunikan Tradisi Kesultanan Johor Ditonjol Pada Istiadat Kemahkotaan

Oleh Nor Baizura Basri

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac (Bernama) -- Keunikan tradisi Kesultanan Johor yang ditonjolkan pada istiadat kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar hari ini, diharapkan dapat dijadikan rujukan pada masa hadapan.

Ia dianggap eksklusif kerana dihadiri dif kehormat terpilih termasuk Raja-Raja Melayu serta Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan isteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Orang ramai, jauh dekat, dari dalam dan luar negeri turut hadir bagi menyaksikan peristiwa bersejarah itu, bukan sahaja untuk negeri Johor, malah penting bagi mendidik generasi muda amnya mengenai institusi diraja itu.

Istiadat Kemahkotaan yang bermula pada pukul 10 pagi tadi, penuh dengan adat istiadat turun temurun Kesultanan Johor, mengambil masa kira-kira setengah jam sebelum Sultan Ibrahim sah dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima.

Raja Zarith Sofiah turut dimahkotakan dengan gelaran Permaisuri Johor, gelaran pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.

Turut menarik perhatian ialah penggunaan beberapa peralatan istiadat kerajaan negeri Johor seperti pedang kerajaan, keris-keris istiadat, keris darjah kerabat, cogan agama, cogan alam, payung istiadat dan cokmar, sebagai unsur yang memberi nilai legitimasi dan kedaulatan kepada raja sebagai pemerintah.

Selesai istiadat kemahkotaan, Sultan Ibrahim dan Permaisuri Johor Raja Zarith Sofiah kemudiannya menyertai perarakan diraja, sekali gus memberi peluang kepada rakyat jelata untuk menikmati detik bersejarah itu.

Pelbagai memori diabadikan sepanjang perjalanan 8.5 kilometer dari Istana Besar ke Istana Bukit Serene, baik pasangan diraja mahupun rakyat jelata yang sama-sama turun ke bandar raya seawal 4 pagi, semata-mata untuk melihat lebih dekat Sultan Johor yang dikasihi.

Ada di antara orang ramai yang hadir boleh dikatakan bertuah kerana ini merupakan kali kedua mereka merasai sendiri suasana istiadat kemahkotaan yang diadakan kali terakhir 55 tahun lepas.

Zaman mungkin berubah tapi tradisi Kesultanan Johor masih dikekalkan dan dihidupkan kembali pada istiadat ini.

Ini diakui sendiri oleh Perdana Menteri ketika ditemui selepas istiadat kemahkotaan yang berkata 'ia merupakan satu istiadat yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai sejarah'.

Beliau berkata dengan mengadakan istiadat seperti ini, ia memberi peluang kepada generasi muda mengetahui nilai-nilai sejarah berkaitan dengan Kesultanan Johor.

"Bagi kita semua terutama sekali generasi baharu, mereka mendapat peluang untuk melihat (sendiri) adat resam dan sejarah Kesultanan Johor yang mana sudah tentu menjadi kebanggaan rakyat khususnya rakyat negeri Johor," kata Najib.

Diharapkan dengan adanya usaha untuk merekod dan menerbit istiadat bersejarah ini dalam bentuk dokumentari dan buku, ia dapat memastikan istiadat ini 'tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang dek panas'.

Istiadat kemahkotaan hari ini disusuli dengan jamuan diraja di Dewan Santap Istana Besar malam ini yang diadakan secara tertutup.

-- BERNAMA, 23 Mac 2015

46 Bayi Dilahirkan Pada Hari Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac (Bernama) -- Seramai 46 bayi dilahirkan di seluruh Johor setakat 12 tengah hari tadi, sekali gus berkongsi tarikh bersejarah sempena Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar di sini.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Ayub Rahmat berkata jumlah kelahiran itu dijangka bertambah menjelang tengah malam ini.

Ayub, yang melawat Wad Bersalin Hospital Sultanah Aminah, berkata pihaknya bercadang meraikan ibu dan bayi mereka sempena peristiwa bersejarah itu.

"Kelahiran bayi-bayi ini merupakan sebahagian daripada sejarah yang tercipta hari ini. Kita harapkan semangat kecintaan dan jati diri bangsa Johor turut diterap dalam diri bayi-bayi ini apabila mereka membesar kelak," katanya kepada pemberita.

Sementara itu, Norshaliza Mohd Basarudin, 32, melahirkan rasa gembira dan bersyukur kerana dapat menyambut peristiwa bersejarah itu dengan kelahiran anak ketiganya.

"Saya jangka bayi dilahirkan pada Jumaat ini tetapi dilahirkan lebih awal pula," katanya, yang bekerja sebagai pembantu perpustakaan di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Beliau melahirkan bayi lelaki seberat 3.2 kilogram itu pada 5.53 pagi tadi.

-- BERNAMA, 23 Mac 2015

Foto Istiadat Kemahkotaan DYMM Sultan Johor 23 Mac 2015 - Foto Bernama

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Empat daripada enam anakanda Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah, (dari kiri) Tunku Putera Johor Tunku Abu Bakar, Tunku Panglima Johor Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris dan Tunku Laksamana Johor Tunku Abdul Jalil, ketika menghadiri Majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor, hari ini.

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- PUTERA DIRAJA... Tunku Aris Bendahara Tunku Abdul Majid Idris Sultan Iskandar (kiri) bersama lima putera Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah, iaitu (dari dua,kiri) Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail, Tunku Temenggong Johor Tunku Idris, Tunku Putera Johor Tunku Abu Bakar, Tunku Panglima Johor Tunku Abdul Rahman dan Tunku Laksamana Johor Tunku Abdul Jalil, ketika Majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor, hari ini.
 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (kanan) tiba di Istana Besar untuk menghadiri Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor, hari ini. 
Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden, manakala Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah Sultan Abu Bakar dan Sultanah Kalsom Abdullah berangkat tiba di Istana Besar untuk menghadiri Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor, hari ini. Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden, manakala Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor.

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Brunei Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah dan isteri, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha berangkat tiba di Istana Besar untuk menghadiri Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Johor, hari ini. Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden, manakala Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah berkenan berangkat ke Istana Besar untuk Istiadat Kemahkotaan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden di Istana Besar, pagi ini.
Raja Zarith Sofiah turut dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah berkenan menerima tabik hormat daripada perbarisan kehormat Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri Johor setibanya baginda pada Istiadat Kemahkotaan sebagai Sultan Johor kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden di Istana Besar, pagi ini.
Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah turut dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali digunakan di negeri ini.
JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah sebelum upacara pemakaian mahkota ketika majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Mufti Johor Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin meletakkan Mahkota Kerajaan ke atas kepala Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar yang merupakan upacara kemuncak Istiadat Kemahkotaan, sambil diperhati oleh Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Mufti Johor Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin meletakkan Mahkota Permaisuri kepada Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah pada majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar sebagai Sultan Johor kelima di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Mufti Johor Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin meletakkan Mahkota Permaisuri kepada Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah pada majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar sebagai Sultan Johor kelima di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah mengaminkan doa, selepas peletakan Mahkota Kerajaan dan Mahkota Permaisuri ke atas kepala Baginda berdua pada Istiadat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim sebagai Sultan Johor kelima di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah lengkap mengenakan Mahkota Kerajaan dan Mahkota Permaisuri beserta Kain Pelayang Diraja meninggalkan majlis Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar, hari ini, sebelum upacara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Baharu untuk bertemu rakyat.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah berangkat keluar selepas Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar, sebelum acara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Baharu bagi bertemu rakyat, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah menerima tabik hormat daripada perbarisan kehormat Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri Johor ketika berangkat meninggalkan Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah menuruni Tangga Agong sebelum acara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Bahru selepas Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar bagi bertemu rakyat.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah menuruni Tangga Agong sebelum menaiki kenderaan rasmi untuk acara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Baharu bagi bertemu rakyat selepas Istiadat Kemahkotaan, di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar dan Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah menaiki kenderaan rasmi untuk acara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Baharu bagi bertemu rakyat selepas Istiadat Kemahkotaan, di Istana Besar, hari ini.

 JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac -- Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar dan Permaisuri Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah menaiki kenderaan rasmi untuk acara perarakan sekitar bandar raya Johor Bahru bagi bertemu rakyat, selepas Istiadat Kemahkotaan di Istana Besar, hari ini.


“Pos Malaysia is proud to mark the occasion of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor’s Coronation by issuing this special collection. This coronation has been a long-awaited event since the last coronation was in 1960, when Almarhum Sultan Ismail Sultan Ibrahim ascended the Johor throne,” said Azlan Shahrim, Covering Group Chief Executive Officer of Pos Malaysia.

The collection will be available for sale at all post offices nationwide starting Tuesday, March 24th.

The special issue consists of three individual stamps featuring the portrait of His Royal Highness measuring 40mm x 52mm priced at 60sen, 80sen and RM1 respectively on a sheet of 14 stamps each.

“There will also be a miniature sheet featuring a portrait of His and Her Royal Highnesses the Sultan and the Sultanah of Johor measuring 100mm x 90mm with a stamp measuring 40mm x 52mm in size available at RM5 each.

“Special technique using gloss varnish is applied on the crest in the miniature sheet to add extra shine and depth to it,” added Azlan.











Raja Zarith Sofiah Bergelar Permaisuri Johor

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac (Bernama) -- Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah hari ini dimahkotakan sebagai Permaisuri Johor, gelaran yang pertama kali diperkenalkan di negeri ini.

Gelaran itu diperkenan Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar yang turut dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor Kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden dalam istiadat gilang gemilang di Istana Besar.

Diputerikan pada 14 Ogos 1959 di Hospital Batu Gajah Perak, Raja Zarith Sofiah merupakan puteri kedua dan anakanda ketiga kepada Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah dan Raja Perempuan Perak, Raja Muzwin Almarhum Raja Ariff Shah.

Mufti Johor Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin meletakkan Mahkota Permaisuri kepada Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah

Raja Zarith Sofiah melanjutkan pengajian di Cheltenham Ladies College, England sehingga tamat Tingkatan Enam sebelum meneruskan pengajian di Davies College, London pada tahun 1977.

Pada tahun berikutnya, baginda diterima masuk ke Somerville College, Universiti Oxford dan memperoleh Ijazah Bachelor of Arts pada tahun 1983.

Raja Zarith Sofiah merupakan ahli bahasa yang memilih pengajian bahasa Mandarin semasa di Oxford dan turut mempelajari bahasa lain termasuk Perancis dan Itali.

Baginda turut mewarisi bakat seni lukis daripada ayahanda baginda.

Baginda mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Sultan Ibrahim pada usia 23 tahun dan dikurniakan lima orang putera dan seorang puteri.

Antara penglibatan baginda dalam aktiviti kemasyarakatan termasuk menjadi Penaung Persatuan Cerebral Palsy Johor dan Penasihat Diraja Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia.

Baginda turut menubuhkan Yayasan Raja Zarith Sofiah Negeri Johor bagi mengutip dana untuk mengadakan pelbagai program pelajaran terutama pembelajaran secara Islam.

Baginda juga aktif dalam bidang penulisan dengan menghasilkan tulisan dan buku cerita kanak-kanak dan pernah menjadi penulis di sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris.

Sesungguhnya Permasuri Johor ini merupakan seorang yang peramah, berjiwa rakyat serta amat disenangi dan disanjungi rakyat.

, 23 Mac 2015

Istiadat Kemahkotaan Berlangsung Gilang Gemilang

JOHOR BAHARU, 23 Mac (Bernama) -- Dalam satu istiadat gilang gemilang, Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar dimahkotakan sebagai Sultan Johor Kelima dalam sejarah Johor Moden.

Istiadat Kemahkotaan berlangsung di Istana Besar di sini.

Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah turut dimahkota sebagai Permaisuri Johor.

Istiadat turut dipancar secara langsung menerusi siaran televisyen tempatan yang disaksikan bukan sahaja rakyat Johor tetapi seluruh negara.

Turut berangkat menyaksikan istiadat ialah bonda Sultan Ibrahim, Enche' Besar Hajah Khalsom Abdullah, kekanda dan adinda baginda, Tunku Puteri Johor Tunku Kamariah Sultan Iskandar dan Tunku Besar Zabedah Sultan Iskandar.

Putera-puteri baginda turut hadir termasuk Tunku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim dan Che' Puan Khaleeda Bustamam.

Turut menambah seri istiadat ialah keberangkatan Sultan Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah dan Paduka Seri Baginda Raja Isteri, Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha serta Raja-Raja Melayu.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan isteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor serta Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan isteri Puan Sri Norainee Abd Rahman turut hadir.

Sultan Ibrahim yang memakai uniform khas berwarna biru gelap yang dihiasai darjah kerabat dan darjah mahkota, manakala Raja Zarith Sofiah berbaju kurung Johor dengan warna yang sama, tiba di perkarangan Istana Besar pada pukul 9.35 pagi.

Sultan Ibrahim seterusnya menerima hormat diraja daripada pasukan Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri Johor di Tangga Agong Istana Besar sebelum Lagu Bangsa Johor dimainkan.

Istiadat Kemahkotaan bermula pada pukul 10 pagi dengan keberangkatan masuk Sultan Ibrahim dan Raja Zarith Sofiah yang berpakaian kain pelayang diraja berwarna biru gelap ke Bilik Singgahsana.

Lagu Bangsa Johor sekali lagi dikumandangkan sejurus keberangkatan masuk baginda berdua, disusuli Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin tampil menghadap bagi menyembahkan permasyhuran pemakluman kemahkotaan.

Yang Dipertua Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor, Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli kemudiannya memohon perkenan supaya Sultan Ibrahim dan Raja Zarith Sofiah dimahkotakan.

Sultan Ibrahim kemudiannya membaca lafaz ikrar, diikuti bacaan ayat 26 surah Al-Imran dan khutbah oleh Timbalan Mufti Johor Datuk Yahya Ahmad.

Mufti Johor Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin seterusnya meletakkan Mahkota Kerajaan pada kepala Sultan Ibrahim diiringi selawat dan diikuti peletakan Mahkota Permaisuri di kepala Raja Zarith Sofiah.

Serentak dengan peletakan mahkota, bedilan meriam 21 das dilepaskan pasukan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia dengan diiringi Lagu Bangsa Johor serta disertai bacaan doa selamat oleh timbalan mufti.

Istiadat diteruskan dengan majlis Menghadap Takzim kepada baginda berdua bermula dengan Tunku Ismail, Che' Puan Khaleeda, putera dan puteri baginda, diikuti Tunku Aris Bendahara Tunku Abdul Majid Sultan Iskandar dan isteri Tunku Teh Mazni Yusuf bagi mewakili para kerabat, disusuli Mohamed Khaled bagi mewakili kerajaan negeri serta Abdul Rahim mewakili Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor.

Selesai acara Menghadap Takzim, lagu Bangsa Johor sekali lagi dikumandangkan, diikuti keberangkatan Sultan Ibrahim dan Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah ke Anjung Istana bagi menerima lintas hormat udara.

Lintas hormat melibatkan tujuh helikopter jenis Eurocopter EC725, Super Lynx dan Agusta Loh A109, dengan tiga daripadanya membawa bendera Johor yang melepaskan asap berwarna putih, biru dan merah - melambangkan warna bendera Johor.
Selesai lintas hormat udara dan diikuti laungan 'Daulat Tuanku', Sultan Ibrahim dan Permaisuri Zarith Sofiah berangkat pula ke perarakan diraja di sekitar bandar raya ini.
Baginda berdua menaiki kereta Mercedes-Benz 600 untuk perjalanan sejauh 8.5 kilometer dari Istana Besar ke Istana Bukit Serene.

Kira-kira 40,000 orang rakyat teruja menyaksikan perarakan diraja yang menyamai perarakan berkenderaan semasa istiadat kemahkotaan Almarhum Sultan Ismail pada 1960.

-- BERNAMA, 23 Mac 2015

‘It will be insane to tell investors not to come to Johor’ - New Straits Times - 22 March 2015

PROGRESS: Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has been keeping a strict diet ahead of his coronation tomorrow. On certain days, his diet is made up of just fruits. He has shed some 20kg since January.

As we walked into the newly refurbished renovated Istana Bukit Serene for a rare interview with him ahead of his big day, we could not help but notice a brand new hot pink Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in the driveway. The NSTP team was then ushered inside this grand, 78-year-old Art Deco palace with a green roof and limestone walls, topped with a 35m etre tower. The sultan, who was busy with the final fitting for the coronation costume with his tailor, Datuk Jack M.K. Lee, later emerged. After an hour-long interview with A Jalil Hamid and Jassmine Shadiqe, during which he addressed many controversial issues, ranging from his businesses to reclamation projects and the influx of top developers from China, the sultan then invited us for a sumptuous lunch. He indulged in a big plate of beef steak that day. But his mind was preoccupied with his son, Tunku Laksamana Johor Tunku Abdul Jalil, who had to be hospitalised. He then drove off alone in the Phantom to the hospital, with his security detail trailing behind.


Question: How do you respond to those who talk about Tuanku’s involvement in business while being a ruler of a state?

Answer: Is it wrong if I buy shares? What is wrong with buying shares? There is nothing wrong with me buying shares. I just buy shares but I do not sit on any the board of directors. For example, at REDtone International Bhd, I am not on the board of the directors.

(The Johor sultan is the single-largest individual shareholder in REDtone following a spate of open-market purchases, coupled with the conversion of his warrants and convertible loan stocks into ordinary shares. The recent activities have boosted his holdings in the company to 20 per cent from 4.8 per cent previously).

During In good times, if I think I can make money, I sell the shares. To me, there is nothing wrong with in me buying shares.

I bought Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd for a reason, basically, for its high-dividend returns. The returns are higher compared with commercial banks. I am a strategic investor. There is nothing controversial about this. Those who are bickering about this... it’s actually a case of sour grapes.

I am not a typical businessman. I am more of a strategic investor. I learn about the trade and I invest on the advice of my bankers. The bank is the custodian of my money. The bank makes sure that my money makes money. If the investment is bad, they will advise me not to do it.

When I see potential, I grab the opportunity. I do not bid for projects, like hydroelectric power, construction of airports, roads or similar facilities, because that will be interfering with others.

Forest City, which will be built in southwest of Johor, was my idea. I brought the Forest City investors in. The developers took into consideration my ideas. The investors visited the proposed site and established that it was strategically located. They have confidence in the government and me, and they are also comfortable here in Johor, which is peaceful, united and strategically located.

So what is wrong if developers from China want to invest in Johor? We have all the stability investors are looking for. We have an open-door policy; every reliable investor is welcome to invest in Johor. It will be insane to tell investors not to come to Johor.

The spill over effect will benefit the people. Forest City will create over 250,000 jobs opportunities for Johoreans. Via this investment, I am creating opportunities for retailers and upgrading our transportation system, among others.

The government, too, will benefit. They will receive fees in the form of annual assessments and quit rent, among others. The people should grab these opportunities. If they don’t, others will.

Question: Is the potential spin-off from Forest City huge?
Answer: It will be very huge. For those who are still unaware, my advice to them is to undergo a proper briefing and get have a better understanding.

Question: In other words, you are not actually a businessman, but an investor?
Answer: I am not like any ordinary businessman. I don’t go to an office or conduct day-to-day operations. I don’t attend meetings or conduct annual general meetings. I buy shares, I sell shares. I study about shares. I grab the good ones that have potential. For example, the Princess Cove project in Tanjung Puteri. Some people wanted the land for free to be injected to some major public listed companies. There were two people who wanted the land. I won’t name names. An independent evaluation was done on Tanjung Puteri and a price was offered based on the market value. I paid the government… above its market value (for the land). I rounded up the figure offered and made the government an offer that they could not resist. Only after securing Tanjung Puteri via a transparent dealing did I enter into a joint venture. I did not take the land free of charge. I paid extra for the land because I want the state government to make money, which will be channelled back to the people. That’s why I paid them extra.

Question: How much did the government want to sell it for?

Answer: If you look at the evaluation those days, it was not much. About RM100 million.

Question: Tuanku basically paid double for it?

Answer: Maybe? (smiling). Yes, I did.

Question: Eyebrows were raised when you sold Tanjung Puteri to China developer Guangzhou R&F. There were claims that you made RM4.5 billion.
Answer: Let me explain how this figure came about. I have a 30 per cent share with the joint-venture company. I foresee a RM100 billion gross development value (GDV). Under the normal industrial norms, you will make at least, even in the worst scenario, between 20 and 25 per cent in profits. So, I did basic arithmetic. What is 30 per cent of 20? That is six billion. That is the profit at the end of the day in 10 years by looking at the GDV. But, do I want to wait 10 years? Would I know when the market will weaken? I would not know. What happens if the joint-venture company starts to adjust figures? At the end of the day, profits can be adjusted.

I am not willing to take that risk. I asked for my profits in advance and in return, I offered them a RM1.5 billion discount. That is how RM4.5 billion came up. I did not sell but I took profit in advance. Get that?

Then, everybody thought: “Wow, this is the benchmark in Johor.” They were wrong. You cannot put a value of RM900 per sq feet.

Now, is there anything wrong with what I did? No! I didn’t lobby anybody. It was a transparent deal that will see Johor progress in the future.

Question: The one thing that people are unaware of is that you have given money back to the government, which was spent on development. Is that true?

Answer: Yes! What I have given to the government is RM845 million. Nobody talks about that. The cost of the land and the premium all went to the government. Why do you think my government is now enjoying a surplus (budget) today?

I have also been approached by China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. They want to bring Alibaba to Johor. Johor will be the main distributor for Alibaba in the Asia Pacific region.

The company plans to bring branded apparel and accessories to Johor. They have the strength to do so.

Question: What will happen to Johor Premium Outlets (JPO)?

Answer: We are not bringing in something like JPO. We will be a technology hub. So, the technology hub only “handles”, without having retailers like JPO. All are premium items. They will set up their centres. I do not know how they operate. But we have heard about Alibaba. Some say they are better than

Get it right. The way I do business is not like what people say: “He (sultan) is a businessman, conducting business.” No, I don’t.

Question: Why do we need to reclaim land to develop Forest City when there is a lot of land in Johor?
Answer: It’s easier. We reclaim land to develop. On shore, you have (to have) acquisitions. A brand new piece of land is easier to plan, even for better road distribution. Where can I find an existing piece of land here in Johor of that size which is surrounded by with water? So that’s why I plan. When I saw the place, I decided, here is the best place.

Question: What about marine life and environmental issues?

Answer: A lot of people are so jealous. They politicised Forest City because they are jealous. It’s a case of sour grapes. Forest City is a catalyst for to the state’s development and not a controversial one. Many people just want to make things difficult for us.

For instance, other developers are required to set up only one siltation control curtain (to reduce sediment run-off), but we were told to put up three layers of silt curtains. We abide by the rules. It doesn’t matter, even though it cost us three times more.

Question: One of the reservations came from Singapore. They said it narrowed the straits and restricted water flow, hardly without realising that they have been doing this way before us.

Answer: Singapore’s Tuas reclamation has breached into Johor’s port limit by so many metres… accidently. But we are a friendly state. If you say narrowing the straits, look at Tekong (Pulau Tekong, how narrow it is. I am not comparing Singapore with us, or what they can do and what we can’t do. We have our own plans and they have their own plans. I am sure Singapore followed all the rules. They are very strict on environment-related matters. They are checking on us, on what we are doing. It’s good that they check on us.

Question: Speaking of Singapore, is it true that Tuanku wanted to get rid of the Johor Causeway and build a bridge instead?

Answer: At the last meeting in Kuala Lumpur, what I heard was that the first bridge was nostalgic to former Singaporean prime minister Goh Chok Tong. I don’t know what Singapore’s plans are. But one day, I hope Singapore will agree with us, even if we need to remove part of the causeway for the flow of water and for the good of the environment. Yes, I would like that. Of course, a bridge is ideal. Besides that, we can build the most beautiful bridge. Let it be a landmark and we can call it the Friendship Bridge. Let the bridge show how friendly we are with our neighbours.

Question: Tuanku, you have said that a lot of things can be settled over a cup of tea with the Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, since you have a very good relationship with your neighbour. So, has this Friendship Bridge been discussed?

Answer: When it involves two countries, it must go through the Prime Minister’s Office, Wisma Putra and the also with their Singaporean counterparts. But any discussions between Johor and Singapore, for just the two of us to agree upon, then it can be decided over a cup of tea. Come to my house, have tea, as long as it is a win-win situation, we can discuss and agree on anything.

I know that there will be a need for a Third Link. I agree. But we need to know where. We need to plan where. It must be beneficial both to Singapore and Johor.

Question: Where will the Third Link be most likely located?

Answer: I think most likely it will be somewhere in Changi (Singapore) (chuckles). I don’t know. It is between the two prime ministers (Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Lee Hsien Loong). I don’t know and I don’t ask. I am sure if there is a need, the government will bring the matter up.

Question: Apart from the “Friendship Bridge” and the Third Link, how about the KL-Singapore High Speed Rail (HSR) project? It will have to pass through Johor. Do you support this project?
Answer: Well, it is in the planning stage. I know where the route is. I know where it’s going to be, but let the government announce it. Yes, it passes through Johor, they sought an audience with me.

Question: Who are the “they”?

Answer: The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar. He didn’t seek my permission, it was a courtesy call. He asked for an audience to explain about the project and the route of the track in Johor that the rail will pass through. My advice to him was very simple. Reduce the (land acquisition. Don’t trouble the villagers too much. Don’t cause too much interruption to the lives of the people in the vicinity. The high-speed rail will be on the west coast of Johor.


Question: Tuanku, can you share your views on the people’s concern that they may not be able to afford houses in JB in the future given the rapid development in the city?

Answer: It is in the government’s plan to make affordable houses available to those from the lower-income group. Not every Johorean cannot afford to buy a house. There are some who bought really big ones, extremely big ones.

But here we are talking about those from the lower-income group. The government must provide them with houses that they can afford. But would you build a low-cost house on in the most prime land in the state?

One would not expect the government to build “warongs” (make-shift stalls) in Beverly Hills, now? No, you won’t.

Question: So the people should not have unwarranted fears, as there will be houses for all income groups?

Answer: Yes, there should not be unwarranted fears or concerns. With future developments in Johor, it will be the people who will benefit. Now, you only see hypermarkets in Johor, but with the current and future developments, I am sure many stores, facilities and high-end outlets will set up their businesses in Johor. Developers in Johor want to bring in the Ritz Carlton, the Grand Hyatt, among others, to Johor. They want to bring in branded goods, such as Chanel, Hermes, Gucci and all to Johor. Who will benefit from all these, if not the people? Once you have a population of locals and foreigners, why should they go to Singapore, buy one handbag and come back to Johor, when they can buy it all here? Now, who benefits? Who gets the jobs? Johoreans.

So don’t have negative perceptions of the developments in Johor. Don’t think that if Johor develops, there will no longer be affordable houses. Don’t assume that Johor Baru will be turned into the biggest Chinatown in the world. The so-called comment by the Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia president Datuk Syed Ali Alattas… please ask him, did he sue the government for RM28 million? He wanted two acres of land in front of Lido beach for the Johor Malay Chamber of Commerce. It was Iskandar Waterfront Holding that paid the over RM20 million in compensation.

(Syed Ali was reportedly said saying he was is brave enough to say that there was not one shop in the centre of Johor Baru that is owned by a Malay.)

Question: There are some quarters, like Syed Ali, who are worried that the Malays will be left out, especially in Johor Baru, with the rapid development.
Answer: How many per cent of Malays are there now in Johor Baru? Do your research. There is the Urban Development Authority (UDA), developers Pelangi Sdn Bhd, among others, which are still in the city centre. They did not leave or move. They are further building up. Since August last year, more Malays have been buying properties but there are also many Malays selling their properties to make a good profit.

When did the standard of living in Kuala Lumpur rise? It’s an inevitable process. There must be balance. It has nothing to do with me.

Question: In a way, Greenland Danga Bay, Country Garden Danga Bay and R&F Tanjung Puteri are the catalysts for Johor’s development. Otherwise, Johor would remain a sleepy town.
Answer: Yes, catalyst. Do you want Johor to have the reputation of being the backyard of Singapore? We don’t want that reputation. You look at Hong Kong. What was Shenzhen then? A farming town. And look at it today. Via development, Shenzhen is what it is today.



Question: Talking about housing in Johor, what are the issues related relating to the Johor Housing and Real Property Enactment Board Bill 2014?

Answer: Why did it become an issue? Because those outside of Johor want it to become an issue. It was not an issue among Johoreans. What has it to do with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim? Why does he want to comment on this issue?

(Shahidan had said the ruler should stay out of the state’s executive powers. He had reportedly said that was reported saying Putrajaya would not tolerate matters which breached the Federal Constitution, as Malaysia practises constitutional monarchy and not absolute monarchy.)

This enactment was established for me to take care of the people’s interest. With the enactment, I can call, I can check anytime. The same goes to with Johor Corporation (JCorp) and Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ). Both have enactments. Look at what happened to Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ), which comes under the Companies Act 1965 (revised 1973).

My role is to check and balance. The names of the housing board members will be chosen by the menteri besar and granted an audience with me, just as an introductionto introduce them to me. Apalah yang hendak dibisingkan? (What is all the ruckus about). Even the newspapers made a big deal about it. You all should be writing about the benefits instead.

Question: Is the bill going back to the state assembly?

Answer: You want to know the truth? I have not signed it and I will not sign.

What do we fear? Why must there be fear, or even pressure by non-Johoreans who are being nosy about Johor’s business? What do you think about this? Does this enactment concern you? I put this question to you. If it’s good, then it should be good. I can ask for an audit at any time I want. I can dismiss three officers appointed by me or the menteri besar. If we see that he is not suitable for the job, we can let go off him. That’s all. I do not want to sign the enactment. Ask all the non-governmental organisations NGOs in Johor, do they want me to sign it or not? None of them want me to sign it and I represent my people.


Question: Tomorrow, Malaysians will witness your coronation. What is the legacy that you want to leave as the Sultan of Johor?

Answer: I want change in Johor. We are living in a new millennium. We have to change. Johor has to progress to be even better. And change. I want a lot of changes, including the people’s mindset. There is a need to change the attitude and mindset.

For example, I spent lots of money to build the crown arch in front of Istana Bukit Serene as a gift to the people, a landmark for Johor.

But every morning, we need to sweep the area. There is rubbish strewn all over — straws, plastic containers, including leftover food. Please change this attitude of throwing rubbish everywhere. I have always reminded the people that the government’s role is not to pick up your rubbish. Enough warnings have has been given to them to change this attitude. There are enforcement officers. They should take action against those who throw rubbish indiscriminately. These people don’t seem to care for the environment either.


Question: For changes to be implemented there should be close cooperation with the menteri besar. How would Tuanku describe your relationship with Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin?

Answer: We have a very good relationship. At times, I share my ideas and views with him, and vice-versa. At times, he likes them, and at times, he gives his views. I have a good rapport with Datuk Seri Khaled. He knows how to talk to me. He was based in Kuala Lumpur when he was higher education minister. When he returned to Johor, he did not know Johor as well as I do. What does he know about Sungai Endau? He does not know the nooks and crannies in of Johor as I do. I am the one who knows. Sometimes, when he wants to do something, I will ask him: “Datuk Seri, do you know the background?” Most of the time, he doesn’t know, and I would share it with him.

When I was the Regent when Almarhum Sultan Iskandar Sultan Ismail was the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and I was the Tunku Mahkota, I did my rounds. I did more checks and rounds in every nook and cranny of Johor, more than any politicians did. I know Johor very well, like the back of my hand.

My Kembara Mahkota Johor, for the past 14 years, reached out to the people in the rural areas, in really deep areas. That’s why I know and understand the people’s sentiments.

Sometimes, when he (Khaled) doesn’t remember or gets ill advice from others, I will tell him: “Datuk Seri, you better rethink what you want to do.”

But I have never stopped him or told him what to do. We advise each another on what is best for Johor and its people. Although I have given Khaled the thumbs up, he has is yet to reach A+-plus.... it is a learning process. (laughs)

Question: Tuanku, will you make any announcement during your investiture ceremony at Istana Besar on March 30, which will see some changes?
Answer: What did you hear? (laughs). From now on, March 23 will be a public holiday in conjunction with the Sultan’s birthday, (it will) no longer be November 22.

The reason , as you know, (is because November is during the monsoon season, hence, most programmes preparations are usually cancelled due to the weather. So from now on, March 23 will be a public holiday replacing Nov 22. On Nov 22, there will be a tahlil ceremony only.

Question: So what happens if one day, you become the Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

Answer: What makes you think I want to be the Agong?

Question: By rotation?

Answer: When the time comes, then you will know if I want or don’t want to be the Agong. I don’t dream to be the king. If it’s possible, I don’t want to be one.

What is of utmost importance to me are my subjects. If they need my help, I can be at their service. I belong to Johor and my subjects. I like staying here in Johor.

Question: How does Tuanku view the role of the monarchy in this modern era?
Answer: In our country, every ruler has his own traditions, ways and styles. We must respect their respective traditions and customs. I respect all the Malay rulers’ traditions, customs and their ways. In their respective state, they have the power, so who are we to pass comments? We respect them, accept them and don’t question them.

Question: Tuanku, how many datukships are expected to be awarded during your investiture ceremony on March 30?

Answer: One, or maybe two. I am stingy with my datukships (laughs). Merit counts. When you deserve to get something, you get it. Those who made a few donations, built a bus stand, nope, that would not grant you a datukship.

The first to who will receive datukships are state government officers. Those who are qualified and deserving. For businessmen, let’s see what they have done for the people.

If it benefits the people, then maybe, but most of them already have datukships, why give some more?